Merci Beaucoup.


After my sister’s beautiful wedding this last Saturday, I feel like I can finally breathe and focus on the next chapter that is rapidly approaching for our little twosome. If you haven’t heard already, we are happy to announce that we will spend the next two years in Limoges, France with Limoges CSP. This is such an incredible opportunity for us both, and a chance to explore a new city and call it home.

But before we begin this new chapter, we want to thank everyone connected to CCRB from the bottom of our hearts. You welcomed us into your home and treated us like family, and for that we are forever grateful! Thank you for the memories and of course the champagne! 🙂

We are delighted to be able to call France home for the next two years and cannot wait to see what Limoges has in store for us!

See you soon!



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